Title: Tehran International School Policy Guideline
Date Adopted: December 20th,2013
The purpose of this policy is to provide the standards and guidelines for the promotion and retention of elementary school students. In providing these guidelines, the Board demonstrates its commitment to several key objectives:
(1) Promoting high educational standards for its students;
(2) Ensuring that there is consistency in the educational opportunities provided to all students;
(3) Implementing a plan of system-wide monitoring to verify that the quality of instruction and type of instructional materials provided to students are calculated to achieve student mastery of the skills and knowledge which are assessed in making promotion decisions;
(4) Early identification of at-risk students and the implementation of systematic academic intervention as the most effective method to help all children achieve success in school and avoid grade retention;
(5) Ensuring that the District’s educational objectives are met in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.
Personal Learning Plan
The school develops a personal learning plan for each retained student that may include, as appropriate, in-school, after-school, year-round components and other interventions developed with the principal, counselor, teacher and parent(s) that target the student’s assessed learning deficiencies. Each retained student shall participate in a personal learning plan
Class Time
Elementary students line up to enter the building at 7:30 A.M. and are dismissed at 1:30 P.M. Fifth and Sixth grade students are dismissed at 2:30 P.M.
We expect all parents to support TIS by not allowing students to miss school except for legitimate reasons.
Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled for after school. If students must leave school earlier than the normal dismissal time, a parent must sign the student out at the Front Office before leaving campus.
Excused Absences
Excused Absences will be recorded for the following reasons:
Personal illness (or quarantine)
Medical or dental appointment
Death in the immediate family
An emergency or special set of circumstances judged as sufficient cause by school authorities.
Schoolwork assigned during an excused absence may be made up within a reasonable time limit (usually one day of extension allowed for each day of absence).
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences will be recorded for any reason other than those listed for excused absences. Many other good reasons for being absent may seem legitimate to parents, but are, nevertheless classified as unexcused. Unless prior arrangements are made with office and each teacher, all homework, papers or projects assigned before or during an unexcused absence must be turned in on the day the student returns to class.
Tehran International School is committed to offering the highest level of academic curriculum in order to prepare each student for the challenges of the next grade or division. All curriculum is carefully reviewed by administrators and teaching staff. A variety of effective teaching strategies are employed to address different student learning styles and multiple intelligences. A variety of assessment methods are employed to monitor student learning.
Elementary Specifications
Elementary students have one teacher/classroom for all academic subjects. As part of our program they also have Farsi, music, art, Second Language(French and German), computer, and P.E. each week taught by various teachers in each field. Each class is carefully chosen to balance academic ability, behavior, and personality.
Homework is an essential part of the educational program.
After excused absences, students must make up for the homework and other assignments they’ve missed. Teachers will allow the students to have at least one day to make up work for each day they’ve missed. Elementary parents may call the school office and request the day’s assignments in the event of a student’s illness. Parents should call the office before 9:00 A.M. so that every attempt can be made to have all assignments and books available in the school office at dismissal time.
Homework Scheduling
Grade Avg. Amount Per Day
1 about 1-2 hours
2-4 about 2-3 hours
5-6 about 3-4 hours
Late Homework
Elementary students who do not turn in homework on time will receive a lower grade. No work will be accepted after the day it is assigned. Excessive missing assignments will result in lower grades.
Physical Education
Tehran International School is committed to developing a student’s mind and body, and desires to maintain excellence in its physical education classes. (Physical conditioning, specific physical skills, game rules and strategies, and sportsmanship are all part of the age-appropriate curriculum.) All elementary students at TIS are required to participate in physical education to the best of their ability unless some medical condition prevents it. The school sport’s uniform have been selected with consideration for their appropriateness for physical activity.
Classroom Discipline Policy
Each elementary classroom will participate in the school-wide behavioral management discipline plan. The objective of this plan is to produce a progressive discipline that will lead to self-discipline in each student. Each classroom teacher in the elementary school will establish “Classroom Rules.” Teachers will then familiarize the students with these rules through discussions of the desired behavior and activities that enable their understanding. A behavior chart will be displayed in the classroom